Our guest this week took us to a place we don’t usually go on the podcast. Yes, he’s a veteran and yes he’s involved in agriculture, but his mission focuses on using agriculture as a means to heal men in crisis.
Kris Wilson is the Logistics Manager for Rockside Ranch, a working ranch in a rural community aimed at helping young men overcome crisis and live the life they were created to live. Kris served 23 years with the US Army National Guard where he led and supervised hundreds of soldiers over his career, including multiple combat theaters. Upon retirement, he and his family moved to Scott Valley after hearing a calling to ministry. At Rockside, Kris uses his background and training to develop leadership, organization, and effective teamwork . In addition, Kris is actively pursuing a Theological Seminary degree.
In this episode, Kris and I get into:
- His military career spanning four deployments to two theaters of war and a near-death experience
- The Hand of God at work in his life setting the conditions for his retirement from the Army and move back to California and into a mission at Rockside Ranch
- Rockside’s mission of “talking life into a group of rough men” using agriculture as their medium for change
- The principles of stewardship and the values that can impart on young men who have taken that for granted most of their life