#38 – Brock Puffett (USN) – Seaboard Foods

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#38 – Brock Puffett (USN) – Seaboard Foods

You have to understand your situational awareness. If something isn’t working right, you need to make a quicker call.

This the second interview in our series with military veterans at Seaboard Foods. This week’s guest is Brock Puffett – Multi-Site Supervisor at Seaboard, a top US pork producer/processor and leading global exporter. At Seaboard, Brock is responsible for everything that happens at multiple swine barns under his direct supervision – health and quality of life of the animals, facility maintenance, personnel issues…everything.

In this episode, we get into:

  • Brock’s childhood summers working on a farm in Iowa baling hay and picking rock
  • His decision to join the Navy which took him all over the world
  • A hard lesson he learned late one night on the flight deck in the middle of the ocean
  • How pigs are the easy part; it’s the people who need the most attention
  • Capturing mistakes from the military and bringing them forward into the ag profession

#37 – Will Clark (USMC) – Seaboard Foods

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#37 - Will Clark (USMC) - Seaboard Foods

This is the first in a series of interviews we plan to do with a variety of military veterans at Seaboard Foods in an effort to showcase the diversity of careers possible within the animal protein space.

You never know what someone’s influences are on the type of decisions they make until you really get to know them

Our first guest is Will Clark – International Sales Representative for Seaboard Foods – a top US pork producer/processor and leading exporter to 30+ countries. Will is one Seaboard’s more than 5,000 employees across five states and specializes in exporting their products to the Japanese market. In addition to maintaining Seaboard’s relationship with their Japanese clients, Will is responsible for price tracking, inventory management, and new product development.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Will’s early career in the Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan with a Police Transition Team
  • How he used these experiences to better understand how individual circumstances make a huge impact on personal decisionmaking
  • The nuances of the Japanese pork market and their focus on traceability
  • Labor shortages and the pros/cons of technology to solve these problems

#36 Andy Syrcle (USAF) – Raven Industries

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#36 Andy Syrcle (USAF) - Raven Industries

We’re probably at the most pivotal point in agriculture, since we went from horse and plows to tractors”

Our guest this week is Andy Syrcle – Strategic Initiatives Manager with Raven Industries – a leader in precision ag, aerospace, and defense technologies.

Andy’s role with Raven is to help guide them into new and promising markets through analysis, intelligence, and customer relationships. Since 1956, Raven has designed, produced, and delivered solutions to the agricultural market, earning a reputation as an industry leader in autonomous technology.

In this episode, we get into:

  • His family’s struggles growing up on a farm in the late 1980s
  • Ten years and a lifetime’s worth of experience as a linguist in the USAF
  • The current state of automation in agriculture and his thoughts on what the future holds
  • How Andy has translated his skills from the military to a place like Raven

#35 Evan Cohen (USMC) – SVG Ventures | THRIVE

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#35 Evan Cohen (USMC) - SVG Ventures | THRIVE

The most valuable thing that founders have, in the beginning, is there time.

Our guest this week is Evan Cohen – Accelerator Manager for SVG Ventures | THRIVE – a leading agtech accelerator and venture investor based in Los Angeles, California.

After barely making it to his infantry unit before deploying to Iraq in 2008, Evan returned safely and was accepted as an intern with the Obama Administration, working in the Office of Legislative Affairs in the White House. He was eventually offered a full-time position in the department where he spent the next 2.5 years working on all manner of military and legislative affairs, including the use of force authorization plans for Syria.

He then spent another two years at the Department of Energy working on clean tech and renewable energy, where he moved back to California and was picked up by a Canadian Accelerator, also heavily focused on capital raising for clean tech. It was a culmination of these experiences that landed a job as the Accelerator Manager at THRIVE earlier this year.

Have listen as Evan pieces together this story and shares some of his perspectives in ag from a multidate of vantage points – corporate innovation, start-up accelerator, and venture investor. He shares an announcement about next year’s accelerator program you won’t want to miss.

#34 Steve Philpott (USMC) – Illinois Minority Growers Association

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#34 Steve Philpott (USMC) - Illinois Minority Growers Association

Let the plant science guide policy”

This encapsulates Steve Philpott’s motivation for pursuing a career in cannabis research and opportunity creation within his community.

Steve is a former US Marine, graduate student and cannabis researcher at Chicago State University and Co-Founder for the Illinois Minority Growers Association. Here, their mission is to close the disparity gap by addressing socio-economic related barriers for minorities. They’re educating growers by providing information services and partnerships that afford them increased access to Illinois’ agricultural industry.

Steve’s story is filled with:

– His experiences growing up in Chicago in the aftermath of the war on drugs

– Stories of camaraderie and loss in uniformed service

– His own struggles with opioids and cannabis alternatives

– Intentional opportunity-creation within his community

– Technical knowledge about cannabis breeding and cultivation

– Examples of the disconnect between cannabis plant science and public policy

Find out how Steven left Chicago a scared 19-year old kid and returned with a renewed sense of purpose and drive within agriculture.

#33 John Berlejung (US Army) – New West Genetics

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#33 John Berlejung (US Army) - New West Genetics

Not one of us were trained or prepared for this…

John Berlejung is a former US Army Tank Crewman and currently the R&D Supervisor at New West Genetics – a Colorado-based company developing industrial hemp genetics for adaption to various regions of the US. They combine traditional breeding with modern genetics to create stable, optimized traits, and varieties adapted for large-scale production.

John grew up in an austere household in the suburbs of Louisville, Kentucky in the 80s when kids could disappear for hours at a time, without a cell phone, and explore the boundaries of their environment, create adventures, and be exposed to risk without a safety net. His brother joined the Army when he was young and John lived vicariously through him, including his experiences during the first Gulf War. This and 9/11 were all the influence John needed to join the Army after high school, where he also served as a tank crew member. Like his brother, John was involved in an invasion of Iraq, this one in 2003. In this episode, he describes those experiences over a 15-month period and how there was a constant need to adapt to the changing mission, enemy, and environment. This ability to adapt is something concrete John continues to bring forward through his professional career.

Enjoy this episode as John talks about how he’s applied these skills to the private sector, from his being a Mud Logger on an oil rig, earning his Masters in Soil Science, and supporting hemp genetic development with New West Genetics.

#32 Ben Minden (US Army) – Bear Hug Cattle Company

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#32 Ben Minden (US Army) - Bear Hug Cattle Company

I’ll support you in whatever decision you make; just know that you will get fired for it. This was one of the coolest 10 seconds…

Our guest this week is Ben Minden, former US Army Ranger and Founder of Bear Hug Cattle Company – a non-profit providing veterans with the resources, technical knowledge and network support for those interested in a career in the ranching industry. Through their 10-week immersive course, transitioning service members gain confidence in horsemanship, ranch tasks, basic ranch economics, and field training at historical operational ranches across the western US.

Despite growing up in the suburbs of New Jersey, Ben became an avid fisherman and hunter, although he admits he never ate the fish out of the New Jersey river. It’s not often a guest on this show has no connection to the military prior to joining, but in the few instances this has been the case, there is usually a common event that many cite as their catalyst for their joining the uniformed service – 9/11. At West Point, Ben fell in love with this idea of an being a part of a high-functioning team and deployed with those teams to both Iraq and Afghanistan. He shares a story from those experiences he cites as one of the coolest 10 seconds of his military career.

Have a listen to find what happened and also learn how Ben is transitioning these skills into other high-performing teams at Harvard Business School and with Bear Hug Cattle Company across much of the western US.

#31 Janet Bailey – No Chaff Group

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#31 Janet Bailey - No Chaff Group

Throughout my career, I’ve always tried to be somebody who will lay out the facts so there aren’t any surprises

Our guest this week is Janet Bailey, Principle at No Chaff Group. No Chaff Group is focused on providing consulting services to growers and agribusinesses in the areas of rural brand management and mental health, social governance, advocacy strategy, and other ag financial services.

In this episode, Janet shares insights and lessons learned from her three decades in the industry, spanning a childhood growing up on a diversified cropping operation and dairy farm during the 1980s farm crisis, Marketing Development Lead for the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers, and nearly 20 years at Frontier Farm Credit as their VP for Marketing and Communications. We get into her thoughts on the value of mentorship, early technology adoption on their farm, the often dangerous way we dispense advice over social media today, and her story as a breast cancer survivor.  

Her developmental initiatives around the veteran community and ag labor needs is absolutely something you should reach out to Janet about if you’re interested in learning more or partnering to support.

#30 Luke Crumley (USMC) – Ohio Corn and Wheat

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#30 Luke Crumley (USMC) - Ohio Corn and Wheat

I think before you ever consider elective service, you should serve first.

These words from the father of this week’s guest – Luke Crumley – Director of Public Policy and Nutrient Management at Ohio Corn and Wheat – an organization working to create opportunities for long-term Ohio corn and small grain grower profitability. They do this through several checkoff groups and associations that expand markets, fund research, provide education, and advocate for supportive public policy on behalf of farmer members.

Despite being surrounded by ag growing up in Ohio, it wasn’t an intimate part of Luke’s upbringing, particularly because he grew up in the mid-80s towards the end of the farming crisis where his parents were forced to sell. Much of the culture and it’s surrounding were, however, very much imparted to Luke, particularly this sense of service. For Luke, it was first military service in the Marine Corps then public service with several Congressional offices before joining Ohio Corn and Wheat. His time as a Battalion Adjutant in the Marine Corps taught him things like the gravity of a situation, how to operate in what he calls a “pressure cooker” environment, and the need to prioritize. This ability to prioritize is something he’s brought forward to Ohio Corn and Wheat. Essentially, helping growers put resources where they need to be to affect mission critical issues.

Have a listen as Luke connects the dots between these different times in his life. We also get into his experiences with carbon markets and how these programs are, or are not, addressing the primary concerns of their growers.

#29 Kenny Johnson (US Army) – TopYield Ag

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Vets In Ag Podcast
#29 Kenny Johnson (US Army) - TopYield Ag

We built a platform that allows people to sift through the noise and see what the signal is

Kenny Johnson is a combat veteran, certified crop advisory, and co-founder of TopYield Ag, an online community for growers and ag professionals to learn, share ag knowledge, and build an online presence. They offer agribusiness clients moderated online community panels supported by natural language processing and machine learning enabling clients to extract objective insights from anecdotal comments.

Being born at West Point then spending most of the childhood near Fort Benjamin Harrison outside Indianapolis almost guaranteed Kenny’s future in the US Army. He spent 15 months in Afghanistan in 2007 as an artillery officer at a small outpost named Camp Keating, the location for the recent documentary “The Outpost” – which detailed the battle of Kamdesh where the outpost was ultimately overrun in 2009. We talk about his experiences being wounded in Afghanistan and his perspective on recent events. One editorial note – we recorded this interview on August 20th while the Taliban were still seizing control over most of the country, but before the major evacuation efforts began and the 13 service members were killed.

These experiences ultimately led him to recognize food security as a national security issue and guided his post-military service career into agriculture and ultimately to start TopYield. The approach they’re taking on the integration of natural language processing and machine learning to extract data from simple conversations could be a disruptive force to traditional market intelligence gathering.

Have a listen to find out how all of these pieces are connected, what TopYield is all about, and why Kenny thinks we all need to “find our bassoons”.