“Now we’re moving to a town with 100 people and a language I don’t speak and I’m gonna have to try and make a career.”
Our guest this week is Amanda Burkardt, Founder and CEO for Nutripeutics, a science and technology consultancy currently serving several different animal and human health start-ups, investor groups, and universities. Amanda brings a unique background of science (BA in Animal Science and Masters in Molecular Biology) and business (MBA with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship and a Masters of Management Information Technology) where she works with innovations to help develop and fund new products.
In this episode, Amanda details the sacrifices she made in the beginning of her career to be a supportive military spouse for the first time…in a foreign country. She articulates the realities of these situations through her own personal experiences in a way I have not heard before. How people finally reach a point in their lives where they decide enough is enough, it’s time to change has always fascinated me. Amanda still fits that mold to a tee.
We also talk about her fascinating early research into alternatives to antibiotics within animal health, how these compounds work, and what they could mean for animal health in the coming years. The concerns she articulates around drug resistant bacteria are real and something we all need to pay attention to. What Amanda has been able to accomplish and build using this type of scientific and business foundation is absolutely something you need to hear.
Be sure to listen to the end as Amanda outlines six major global trends she sees taking shape in the coming years within animal health.