“I wanted to be a lifer in the Marines…but I was medically discharged with a heart problem…automatic disqualifier…what the hell am I going to do now given these skillsets?”
This was an emotional episode for me as Craig Ganssle – Co-Founder and CEO for FARMWAVE – and I talked about his time in the Marine Corps coming to an expected end, his search for purpose in the private sector, and how his faith guided him throughout. Along that journey, Google Glass makes it’s first appearance within ag and starts Craig down the creation path for FARMWAVE – an artificial intelligence company using proprietary and curated data sets to train algorithms to provide predictive analysis around key agricultural considerations, including harvest loss, pest/disease pressure, and application coverage.
The way he describes his early interaction with producers and how he approached solving their problems is, I believe, the ideal way agtech companies should begin to identify and solve problems with tech in agriculture.
It’s a story which truly highlights the transferability of skill sets from the military to agriculture and in depth review of the incredible advances we’ve made within artificial intelligence and agriculture.